Terms of Reference
(Approved by the BSHC 15th Conference 21 – 23 September 2010)
(Adjusted by the BSHC 20th Conference 16 – 18 September 2015)
With referencing to
- IHO Resolution 5 – 2009 on MSDI policy, adopted by the 4th Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference in June 2009
- 1st HSSC Meeting (Singapore, October 2009)
- Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Working Group (MSDIWG)
- Guidance for Hydrographic Offices IHO Publication C-17 – Edition 1.0
- EU INSPIRE Directive and respective national contributions of the MS
The BSHC at its 15th Conference recognised the need to initiate a study of MSDI in the Baltic Sea in order to identify areas where maritime SDI implementation is underway and where problems can be foreseen and how the Baltic member states see the future development of MSDI in the region.
The BSHC at its 20th Conference approved a request from NSHC to expand the BSMSDIWG to also include the NSHC in a dual MSDI WG.
Therefore the BSHC 20th Conference approved to expand the BSMSDIWG to the BS-NSMSDIWG with the task to study MSDI in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea.
The Working Group should
- Identify and analyse the current status of individual MS MSDI implementation.
- Consider MSDI policies within the related international project e.g. e-navigation, ICZM,INSPIRE, MSP, EU Integrated Maritime Strategy, the Marine Strategy Framework and EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.
- Analyse how maritime authorities can contribute their spatial information and the necessary updates, so information can easily be collated with other information to a current overall picture for the region.
- Focus on how BSHC in the future can benefit from a regional approach.
- Monitor the development of SDI that could be relevant for the Baltic Sea.
- To present a yearly report to the BSHC and a report to NSHC every second year at their meeting. This report should include a description on the current status, recommendations on how to proceed with the MSDI implementation and if deemed necessary an action plan with specified time schedule for future BSHC and-NSHCMSDI actions.
Rules of procedures
- All BSHC and NSHC Members and Associate Members are encouraged to participate to the BS-NSMSDIWG and to contribute to the work of the BS-NSMSDIWG.
- The BS-NSMSDIWG should be chaired by one of the Member States elected by the BSHC and NSHC MS.
- The BS-NSMSDIWG should work as far as possible in accordance with existing guidelines and recommendations issued by the IHO, IMO and EU.
- The BS-NSMSDIWG should consult Task Groups, Committees and Working Groups or other relevant bodies, as deemed necessary.
- The BS-NSMSDIWG should inform relevant RHC’s with the aim to coordinate within the other regions as far as possible.
- The work of the BS-NSMSDIWG will be carried out primarily by correspondence (via e- mails). The members are encouraged to reply without unnecessary delay.
- The BS-NSMSDIWG Chair can on request coordinate BSHC and NSHC MS views on MSDI topics and present them at the IHO MSDIWG
Terms of Reference as PDF document
Terms of Reference as PDF document
Member States
DenmarkTom WeberJens Peter HartmannEstoniaPeeter VälingFranceStephanie VracFinlandJuha TiihonenGermanyStefan GrammannIcelandHilmar HelgasonLatviaNormunds DuksisSwedenJohan MattssonHollandEllen VosPolandMarcin BanaszakUnited KingdomEdward HoskenMark HalliwellNorwayGerhard Heggebø
Hermanni Backer
Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky
BS-NSMSDIWG online meeting no 9
- BS-MSDIWG/AppendixA.DraftAgenda for the online BSNSMSDIWG9 meeting 2021
- Appendix B Work Program 2021-2024
- Appendix C BSNSMSDIWG Action list 2021 –Appendix E.List of participans to the BSNSMSDIWG online meeting ver2
- BS-NSMSDIWG09-National report-Belgium
- BSNSMSDIWG sep 2021_Denmark
- ICG_HD_and_MSDI_01092021
- PL_MSDI_Workshop_2021
BS-NSMSDIWG8 online meeting
- Appendix A Online BS-NSMSDI WG workshop schedule 2020
- Appendix B Draft Work Program 2021-2024
- Appendix D.list of participants online BSNSMSDIWG8 meeting.August 18 2020
- Appendix E.Terms of Reference BSNSMSDIWG
- 2020_MarineDWG_Update
- ICG_Hydrographic_Dept_and_MSDI_updated_2020
- Jonathan Pritchard IIC Technologies BSMSDIWG
- MSDI_Norway(003
- MSP-general_data_amd_info_coop_learning Baltic-North seas_IHO_BSNSMSDIWG8
- PL_MSDI_Workshop_8_2020
- Appendix C BSNSMSDIWG Action list 2021
BS-NSMSDIWG8 (online) 2020 24-25 August 2020
- BS-MSDIWG/Appendix B Work
- List of participants online BS-NSMSDIWG8 meeting
- MSDIWG/Appendix C BSNSMSDIWG Action list 2019
- MSDIWG/Appendix A. Draft agenda for the online BS-NSMSDIWG8 meeting 2020
BS-NSMSDIWG6 2018 July 3-4 Denmark
- BS-NSMSDIWG Invitation
- Appendix A BS-NSMSDI WG Workshop schedule
- PaperAbramic EtAIMSPS Supported By INSPIRE
- Appendix F Meeting information
- Appendix E List of participants at the BS-NSMSDIWG
- Appendix D Terms of Reference BSNSMSDIWG
- Appendix C BSNSMSDIWG Action list
- Appendix B Work Program rev1
- BS-NSMSDIWG Action list 2018
BS-NSMSDIWG4 2015-2 Finland
- BS-NSMSDIWG4 Invitation
- BS-NSMSDIWG members 2015
- Work Program 2015 rev1
- BS-NSMSDIWG Action list 2015 ver2
- BS-NSMSDIWG opening
- HELCOM_MSP general