NSHC Tidal Working Group (TWG)

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“To provide technical advice and promote co-ordination on tidal issues especially within the North Sea Hydrographic Commission (NSHC)”

Photo: Tidal Working Group 26th meeting, 6-7 February 2024, Göteborg, Sweden

The Working Group should

Report to the NSHC Conferences.

  1. Work according to the agreed NSHC work plan.
  2. Monitor and report the progress of the work plan.
  3. Propose new work plan items for consideration by the NSHC.
  4. Liaise with relevant Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC) working groups, such as TWCWG.
  5. Exchange views and experiences concerning tidal issues like unifying vertical datums, analysis, modelling and related issues like sea level rise and surge.
  6. Coordinate the implementation of S-104 Water Levels and S-111 Surface Currents and report on the progress to NSICCWG.



Information about IHO S-100 Products

S-104 Water Level and S-111 Surface Currents
Related information


TWCWG 10th meeting, 4-7 November 2025, TBC

  • Documents TWCWG10

HSSC 17th meeting, 5-7 May 2025, Stavanger, Norway

  • TWCWG Presentation at HSSC17
  • Documents HSSC17

NSHC 38th meeting, 8-9 April 2025, VTC

TWG 27th meeting, 4-5 February 2025, Taunton, UK

TWCWG 9th meeting, 19-22 November 2024, Monaco

HSSC 16th meeting, 27-31 May 2024, Tokyo, Japan

NSHC 37th meeting, 8-10 April 2024, Malmö, Sweden

TWCWG 8th meeting, 20-22 February 2024, VTC

TWG 26th meeting, 6-7 February 2024, Göteborg, Sweden

HSSC 15th meeting, 5-9 June 2023, Helsinki, Finland

NSHC 36th meeting, 29-30 March 2023, VTC

TWCWG 7th meeting, 28 February – 2 March 2023, VTC

TWG 25th meeting, 7 February 2023, VTC

TWG 24th meeting, 27 September 2022, VTC

HSSC 14th meeting, 16-19 May 2022, Bali+VTC

NSHC 35th meeting, 5-6 April 2022, Reykjavik, Iceland

TWCWG 6th meeting, 5-7 April 2022, VTC

HSSC 13th meeting, 3-7 May 2021, VTC

NSHC 34th meeting, 27-28 April 2021, VTC

TWCWG 5th meeting, 16-18 March 2021, VTC

HSSC 12th meeting, 19-22 October 2020, VTC

TWG 23rd meeting, 5-6 February 2020, Reykjavik, Iceland

HSSC 11th meeting, 6-9 May 2019, Cape Town, South Africa

TWCWG 4th meeting, 8-11 April 2019, Busan, Korea

NSHC 33rd meeting, 27-28 March 2018, Ostend, Belgium

TWG 22nd meeting, 25-26 October 2017, Ostend, Belgium

TWG 21st meeting, 8-9 March 2016, Dublin, Ireland